
I’ve divided my Blog into 4 categories. It’s super easy for you to find tips, advice, Bible studies and practical solutions to help you find fulfillment in Christ. So read away and start your journey to aligned purpose and greater productivity today!

Bible Study Renee Padmore Bible Study Renee Padmore

How Christian Women Can Find Success in Life (A Bible Study)

When you first start reading The Bible and find yourself learning about people like David, Daniel and Noah it can be easy to get discouraged and hang up your Christian shoes.

I'm here to give you a little pep talk and keep you from getting discouraged.

Instead, these ordinary but victorious people of God can serve as an inspiration and kick your success into gear.

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Purpose Renee Padmore Purpose Renee Padmore

Purpose vs Passions: How Knowing the Difference Can Change your Life

As it relates to purpose and passions, many Christians struggle to figure out why they’re here and what they are called to do. 

We get stuck wondering things like, Am I really doing what God wants? or Is there more to life that I’m missing?

When you’re unsure about what to do, it’s hard to move forward, isn’t it? 

The good news is, you can easily bring order to the chaos by nailing down the differences between purpose and passions.

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