8 Super Effective Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset
Learning is growing.
Have you got your sights set on having a more positive mindset? Achieving a growth mindset doesn't have to be the colossal headache that everyone makes it out to be.
I can't do it. I’m too old to learn something new. I’m not good enough.
Sound familiar?
You’re not alone. Believe it or not, thoughts like these are common when you’re just starting out. And even if you’re a veteran Christian, we all have fears when we try new things.
But they’re definitely holding you back from living a stress free life and reaching your goals.
I was the same. I used to play the bass in a Christian band with my hubby. I was deathly afraid to sing out loud to teach the singers an original song I had written.
Since then, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to have a growth mindset and I can’t wait to share it all with you.
So take a deep breath and settle in to learn 8 actionable ways to achieve a growth mindset without having to break the bank.
Yes, you can develop a more positive mindset and overcome your fears of reaching your dreams. I’m going to show you how.
1. Know what is a Growth Mindset.
You would be surprised how many people say they are following a step by step process for X and can’t even tell you what X is.
That isn’t very effective, friend.
Being able to define our goals makes them more tangible and gives us focus on what we are doing.
Otherwise, we risk wasting time with other activities that look useful, but never actually help us to reach our goals.
Related: If you need help defining a growth mindset and understanding why it’s important, make sure you read this article about growth mindsets before you go any further.
Here is a great way to keep that focus:
Have a daily planner. And use it!
When you know what a growth mindset is, you will start to realise that certain activities help to develop it. And others don’t.
You should keep track of your daily activities so that you can:
Make time for important tasks that will lead you to your goals.
Ensure that you complete activities and become more organised.
Manage your time better and improve productivity every day.
Download my Daily Planner to help you get started. It’s free, fab, and will keep you focused.
Pro Tip: You may benefit from writing your biggest goal on your mirror or kitchen wall. Wherever you spend a lot of time and can see it easily and often. The daily reminder will boost your confidence and keep you motivated.
2. Hang around people with the mindset you want to have.
There’s this story about a baby eagle that found itself amongst a set of baby chicks. And because the chicks hopped around, pecked at the ground and flew very short distances, the eagle did the same.
It grew up with a chicken mindset even though it was meant to dominate the skies. It never even knew it could soar to great heights.
Until one day that eagle, now grown, looked up to the sky and saw a flock of eagles soaring overhead.
He realised they looked like him and he felt a tug inside to fly with them.
So he raised his wings and just took flight above everything. For the very first time.
Who we spend most of our time with plays a huge role in how we approach our life goals.
If you want to be successful you have to spend lots of time with successful people. They have a mindset that is different from people who don’t have many goals and aren’t interested in learning new things.
Here are a few things to keep in mind during your search for like minded people who have a growth mindset:
First, accept that you may have to step out of your comfort zone. Broaden your horizons and step into new environments. If you had found this new community where you currently hang out…you wouldn’t need to look for these people.
Second, do some research. Find out where your tribe is. If you want to set better health goals, for example, you may need to join a gym, spend time at health stores or join groups that appeal to you on social media. Your crowd won’t magically appear. You have to find them and join them.
Third, remember to show up ready to pour out and you will be filled. Too often we go to meetings, classes etc. and want to just sit and receive. But if we ask questions, engage with others and take an active role in the process, we will learn more and achieve our goals that much faster.
Pro Tip: A word about finding our growth mindset community: It may take a while to find the right tribe but be patient and keep at it. Collaborating with others is one of the fastest and easiest ways to develop a growth mindset.
3. Read the Bible and affirm who God says you are.
Identity in Christ.
We are surrounded by so much negativity everyday. So much of it comes from external sources like the news, unkind family members and unreasonable colleagues. Maybe irate customers.
But a lot of it lives in our minds. From past experiences, our own negative views of ourselves and what others have told us about ourselves. And we have believed and continue to believe it all.
Instead, make sure you read the Word of God and affirm the truth about who God says you are. When you know the truth, the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)
And if you don’t know where to start, here are 3 truths about God’s word to start you off. Declare them every day and when you feel like you need a reminder they will already be inside of you.
When you worry about how you look or how you compare to others, declare this truth: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
When you feel ashamed of your past and others want to throw it back into your face, declare this truth: I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
When you feel broken and lost, declare this truth: I have been made complete in Christ, who is over every ruler and authority. (Colossians 2:10)
Pro Tip: Read these verses every night before bed. Your brain will meditate on them while you sleep and begin to internalise them.
4. Always, always, always speak positive words of encouragement.
No matter what your end goal is, you must always speak positive words of encouragement over your life. This is because our words have power. Power to tear down. Or power to build up.
Every time we open our mouths we are either destroying something or building something.
If you feel that your words have been destructive for so long and you can’t change, just remember that every day you are alive is another day for another chance. You just need to take it one moment at a time and choose to build up.
And if you mess up, just go back to #3...reaffirm that you’re not a failure and speak the truth of who you are.
Here’s how to start speaking words of encouragement:
Surround yourself with positive things. The Bible says to think on things that are true, honest, just, lovely, pure, and of a good report (Philippians 4:8). If you focus your thoughts on positive things, watch positive shows, hang with positive people…eventually your speech will reflect the things you think about often.
Learn to respond and not react. When you react you lash out at people and situations without thinking first. But if you learn to respond by pausing and thinking about what you say, you have a better chance of letting words of encouragement flow out of you.
Pray about it. God says we have not because we ask not. We cannot rely on our own strength to get this done. We will fail every time. So we can ask God to help us learn how to speak words of life
Pro Tip: Learn a Bible verse for specific negative feelings. One for anger, disappointment, worry, sickness etc. And when those situations come, speak that word. Practise making God’s word the first thing that you speak and you will be on the right track for speaking words of encouragement more often.
5. Reduce your TV time at all costs.
Let’s talk stats.
There’s a lot to unpack here. Based on the numbers we see that:
The smallest % of people watch no TV at all.
And 55% of Americans watch 1 - 4 hours of TV everyday.
What does this mean?
It means that on average, more than half of Americans might spend 30 - 120 hours every month watching TV.
Let’s break it down further. That works out to between 15 and 60 days every year that are spent watching TV.
Consider how much we could learn in 2 months every year.
I could only imagine what the stats for phone and tablet usage might be!
This is a serious cause for concern.
How can we learn, grow and develop a growth mindset if we spend about 2 months of the year being consumed by entertainment? It’s almost like an addiction in many cases.
So what can we do instead?
Head on down to Number 6 and you’ll see.
6. Read more.
Did you know you could reduce stress by up to 68% when you read for just 6 minutes? Stress relief causes us to be more receptive to change and learning new things.
An added benefit of reading is that it causes you to be more educated about certain topics.
So what can you do?
Think of the times when you usually watch TV…When you’re eating, ready for bed, have down time… and see if you can replace one of those sessions with a book.
You don’t have to give up TV altogether, but reduce the time spent and increase the opportunities for developing a growth mindset.
When you read you are learning and growing. That is the perfect environment for developing a growth mindset. Here’s why:
You develop confidence as you develop new skills or improve on the ones you already have. More confidence encourages you to be more open to trying new things so the cycle of learning keeps going.
You position yourself to receive promotions or rewards because of your skills.
You increase creativity which reduces stress and makes you more productive.
Where do I start?
7. Get adequate sleep.
When you're tired you make mistakes which can de-motivate you.
Lack of sleep has also been linked to the cause of many accidents, which may evoke feelings of shame and depression.
Sleep well, and be invigorated and excited to achieve your goals.
But I suppose it’s easier said than done for some people. That’s because lack of sleep stresses us out, and when we’re stressed we don't sleep well. Vicious cycle right there.
Here are 3 natural ways to improve sleep quality and by extension, your ability to have a growth mindset:
[Way #1 – Get out in the sun during the day.]
Daylight or bright light exposure is good for your sleep rhythm. It helps you to fall asleep faster at night and sleep longer too.
If your sun access is limited you can invest in artificial bright light bulbs.
[Way #2 – Reduce blue light exposure in the evening.]
These are the lights that TV screens, phones and tablets give off.
Blue lights confuse your body into thinking it’s still daylight. So when you use them all evening and just before bed, your body's sleep rhythm is thrown off and you don’t rest well.
[Way #3 – Develop a sleep schedule.]
Stick to that schedule as much as you can. I know life happens…people have babies, work shift etc. But if your lack of sleep is by your choices and not obligations, this is for you.
Our bodies respond well to routines and habits once we establish them. Once we develop the routine of going to bed and waking up at the same times, we will improve our sleep quality over time.
God says that He gives sleep to His beloved. (Psalm 127:2). It’s a gift for every single one of us, and helps us to be more productive during the day.
8. Exercise your brain.
Part of what makes brain exercises so effective for developing a growth mindset is that, unlike physical exercise, you won’t feel like you’re labouring.
Engaging in brain activities like colouring, puzzles and games, is great for brain health. They release endorphins, relax you and cause your focus to increase.
When you're more focused you are more likely to have a positive mindset towards your tasks and goals.
Thankfully, you have me to teach you all about how to engage your brain in fun and creative ways.
Here are some great resources to get you started.
There you have it!
You have 8 effective ways to develop a growth mindset. One where you always want to improve and see obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.
Did you find these tips helpful? Share your top tip to stay motivated on the path to having a growth mindset in the Comments below!