4 Reasons To Know God Better (A Bible Study)
Know your God.
Every Christian woman struggles sometimes to live in this world and not be of this world.
We get stuck wondering things like, “What should I do with my life?” or “How do I live a godly life in a broken, secular world?”
When you’re unsure what to do, it’s hard to move forward.
Should you work for companies that don’t share your core values?
Should you spend time learning an academic course or completing a Bible study?
The good news is, you can easily bring order to the chaos by learning who your God is intimately.
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re located or what you do. Knowing God is a MUST to a believer’s success and ability to live a stress free life.
In this Bible Study, I’ll provide 4 great reasons why it’s important to know The Lord well.
I hope that this will give you encouragement so you can get started with learning who God is in order to live a stress free life.
What is learning and why is it important?
Here is one definition of learning:
Learning is getting knowledge or skills. Plain and simple.
We get these things from being taught formally, studying situations or experiencing them for ourselves.
Since we are always experiencing things every day, we should be learning every day.
So why is learning important? Because it affects your attitudes and behaviours.
I used to tell my students all the time:
If you are doing the same things over and over and they are not helpful, it means that you are not learning. Your behaviour is modified when you learn something new or different.
Now, I will admit that sometimes we learn something but make a mistake. Like adding 4 + 5 and getting 8 instead of 9.
If we add correctly normally, but make a mistake every now and again it doesn’t mean we don’t know how to add. It means we made an error that time. With these kinds of mistakes we can usually find them on our own and correct them.
But when we keep adding and getting the wrong answer over and over again, it means we haven’t learnt how to add. And we need help with learning this concept.
It’s the same with knowing God. We may make mistakes every now and again after we’ve learned who He is. That’s human nature.
But if we keep doing the same wrong things over and over again consistently…learning has not taken place and we need help.
When we learn core concepts about life and change our behaviour for the positive, we are that much closer to living a stress free life and achieving success.
Let’s look at Daniel and see what Christian women should learn about knowing who God is.
Know Your God
This may seem obvious but is it really?
I don’t mean ‘know about Him’. That is head knowledge which does nothing for us when we have a problem or need help.
I mean ‘know Him’ in our hearts and spirits.
Remember, learning is shown by a change in behaviour.
So if we know our God, if we experience His love and goodness for ourselves, then we will change the way we think, speak and handle situations.
This is a crucial component because when we know our God we know His character and His heart.
When we’re in a situation we will know for sure if God is directing us, how to get out of it or how to approach Him for an effective outcome.
Like Daniel.
He knew his God and knew Him very well.
Here are a few facts about Daniel:
He was one of the Hebrew boys taken captive in Babylon.
He was in Babylon but Babylon was not in him.
He remembered the God of his homeland and served Him faithfully every day.
Daniel prayed 3 times a day. He worshipped God no matter what was happening.
So when trouble showed up in Daniel Chapter 2, Daniel was ready. Here’s what happened.
King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that troubled him. He went to his magicians and astrologers and commanded them to tell him the dream and what it meant (Daniel 2:1-3).
If they could do it they would be well rewarded with gifts. If not…He would cut them into tiny pieces and burn their houses down (Daniel 2:5).
Talk about an overachiever! Isn’t that crazy?
He knew those men were slick and he wanted to make sure that they didn’t fool him. He really needed to make sure that he got the truth about his dream.
They tried many times to convince the king to tell them the dream and then they would provide the meaning. You see? Slick.
But he wouldn’t budge.
And when they told him he was asking for the impossible?
The king was so furious with how they were trying to manipulate him that he started killing the wise men. Eventually they sent for Daniel and the other Hebrew boys to kill them too (Daniel 2: 12-13).
Obviously the palace was in an uproar because the men knew that no man could do what the king wanted.
And they were right. A man couldn’t do it.
But there was a God who could. Daniel’s God.
Daniel, knowing his God, went to the king and asked him for a little time. Then he told the Hebrew boys what the situation was and they approached God in prayer. Daniel asked God to show him in a dream what the king had dreamed. He also asked God to interpret the dream for him (Daniel 2:16-18).
That night, God showed Daniel the king’s dream and the interpretation as well (Daniel 2:19). And Daniel told the king all that he wanted to know.
So what can we learn from Daniel knowing his God?
1) God gives insider info a.k.a Favour.
Tell me, Lord.
In the real world we may get charged for having insider info. Especially if we buy or sell it.
But with God? It’s called FAVOUR, my friend.
When you know The Lord well, He can and will reveal info that other people, especially non-believers, may not get access to.
Favour cannot be bought, sold, traded or earned. It’s what God gives to whoever He chooses. And when we have God’s favour we experience things that we can’t explain.
Other people can’t explain it either.
But it’s ours and no one can steal it from us.
2) God saves us.
Jesus saves.
Daniel was caught up in that mess because of his position as a wise man. He didn’t try to trick the king. He wasn’t even there.
But the decree would have affected him and his friends in a serious way.
Maybe you’ve experienced that before. Or you’re going through it right now.
Somebody else’s actions impacted you severely - your freedom, your health, your job, your life.
It doesn’t have to be the end. Just like Daniel remained calm and approached His God for help, you can do the same.
But Daniel didn’t just do this thing willy-nilly. He knew God’s character, voice and intentions toward him. He knew that God could give him what he needed to survive. The right thing at the right moment.
Related Post: The Best Way To Invest In Yourself
Do we know God like this?
When a situation happens do we automatically approach God for answers?
Or do we throw our hands up in panic and then finally circle back to God after what we’ve tried has failed?
Know your God. He can save your life.
3) God saves others.
Calling sinners to come home.
When Daniel told the king the dream, the king fell at Daniel’s feet to present him with gifts. Then he declared that there was no God like Daniel’s God (Daniel 2:46-47).
The king was powerful but he realised he wasn’t all powerful.
Daniel showed that He knew his God and that caused the king to see who He was too.
When we show others that we know Jesus we give them a chance to see God’s power and love at work. This is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance (Romans 2:4).
4) God promotes us.
To another level.
At the end of the chapter we see that the king promoted Daniel. He got many gifts, was put in charge of the entire province of Babylon and was chief administrator over all the wisemen (Daniel 2: 48).
What a promotion!
Here is a young Hebrew captive who was forced to live in a foreign land and adopt their practices and lifestyle. But because he stayed true to His God, and showed that he knew Him intimately, God rewarded Daniel with a MASSIVE promotion.
The last verse says that he sat at the gates of the king. He had open access to privilege and power.
God can do the same for us today too when we know Him and know Him well.
And there you have it! Four reasons why knowing God intimately is crucial to our personal growth and development:
When we know God we can:
Get Insider Info / Favour.
Save our lives.
Lead others to salvation.
Get promoted.
It may sound like a lot, but like most things, practice makes a habit.
Just focus on a small step you can take each day until you develop the habit of going after The Lord:
Spend time reading God’s Word. Even if it’s just one verse every day.
Ask Him to show you His heart and character through that Word.
Ask Him to help you practise what you learned throughout that day.
And one more thing…
Here’s a great resource that I created to help you learn more of God’s Word. As you get to know God better, you can make His Word come alive and be more relevant in your life. Click on the pic below to learn more about Bible Verse Match Game.