The Best Way To Invest In Yourself (A Bible Study)
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For years now, we’ve been hearing that investing in yourself is one of the best ways to manage your stress. I just read another post with the same message.
And it is true.
We do need to invest in ourselves if we want to experience personal growth. But the how of it is what is important.
Does it only mean taking care of your mind and body and developing self-care routines?
Since everyone seems to be saying it, it must be true. Right?
Uhh… no.
I think most of this advice is coming from a place of good intentions. It’s easy advice.
But is it godly advice?
What does God say about investing in ourselves?
Let’s look at Luke 5:1-11.
Grab your Bible and we’ll discover 5 important truths about how investing in others can really help us invest in ourselves too.
1) We find purpose.
Looks like Northeast to me.
In Luke 5 we read about Peter, an expert fisherman. But he had one problem.
He couldn't catch any fish.
Jesus told him to let down his nets for a catch.
Peter said he had been working all night but if Jesus gave the command he would obey (Luke 5: 4-5).
He did obey. And it worked!
Jesus was a carpenter but he still had valuable insight into Peter's world.
How many of us don't share knowledge because we think the other person is more of an expert?
Or maybe we don't take advice from people who we believe are inferior to us.
This is a dangerous practice.
Jesus teaches us that:
No matter who you’re helping in this life, your experiences, skills and insights matter.
Helping others gives us a sense of purpose and builds confidence in our abilities.
This goes a very long way in keeping us focused, disciplined and productive.
2) We are blessed abundantly.
Blessing after blessing.
Can you say rain?
But no water over here. Blessings are raining down.
In this Bible story the weight of the fish broke the net. Other fishermen had to come and help Peter and his men.
But the catch was so MASSIVE that even with an extra boat the weight was still too overwhelming. Both boats began to sink (Luke 5: 6-7).
This is a beautiful picture of how helping someone causes blessings to flow for everyone.
Each fisherman would have been blessed by the catch.
And Jesus Himself, who started it all, was also blessed.
This story is about when He called His first disciples.
He created and nurtured an entire community to walk with, pray with…do life with.
Related: Here’s a great post that teaches us about the importance of belonging to a great community.
And how did Jesus’ community of disciples come about?
From one man giving a powerful word to turn someone else’s life upside down. But in a good way!
We may miss out on our blessings by holding back from blessing someone else.
Bless them with your time, talents and knowledge. Even your money if the Lord leads you to do so.
You'd be surprised how the increase to their lives rains down on you as well.
In God's kingdom there is more than enough for everyone. You don't need to worry that helping someone will reduce what God has in store for you.
3) We lessen our workload.
A little help over here!
Jesus helped Peter on the water by highlighting a few truths about catching fish (Luke 5: 4-5):
You have to throw your net where the fish are in order to bring fish into the boat.
Timing is everything in order to get the best catch.
But He was also teaching Peter that the concept was the same for God's kingdom:
You have to cast your ‘net’ (your ministry) where Jesus tells you to, in order to catch souls for the kingdom.
Jesus’ timing is perfect and allows for the best catch.
Jesus knew He couldn't be everywhere all at once and that He would leave Earth one day to return to heaven.
Teaching Peter kingdom principles from the very beginning ensured that Jesus' message would be spread easier and quicker.
Peter, the disciples and every believer who came after would be His hands and feet on the earth.
We shouldn't be afraid to help others grow.
Some of us feel threatened when we help others and believe they will take our position.
That is worldly thinking and has no place in God's kingdom.
The Bible says in Luke 10:2:
Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (emphasis added)
You actually make your own job easier when you invest in others because they can go into places you cannot go. They will reach people you cannot reach.
That is one less area that you need to get to.
It also frees you up to improve your skills and grow in different areas of your life.
4) We lead people to Jesus.
Thank God for salvation.
Peter got a new revelation about who Jesus was from his experience on the water.
It was so profound that the Bible says he fell at Jesus' feet, called Him ‘Lord’ and admitted He was a sinful man (Luke 5:8).
Does this sound familiar?
It should. It is the sinner’s prayer.
No matter how long or short it is, salvation is for anyone who:
Confesses Jesus is Lord.
Admits their sin and asks Jesus for help.
That’s it. Plain and simple.
Jesus invested in Peter with a powerful word and Peter immediately recognised his need for a Savior.
And he modeled an example of a sinner coming home.
When we invest in other people, we have the opportunity to lead others to Jesus. More believers means the Word is being spread far and wide.
More opportunities to shine a light in the lives of people who still live in darkness.
More opportunities for us to live and thrive in peace.
The goodness of God leads men to repentance (Romans 2:4).
Don't be afraid to invest in your friends, workmates and family. Anyone, anywhere.
Sharing something simple with them can show God's goodness and supernatural power, and lead them to Jesus.
5) We help others find purpose.
Build each other up.
And we have come full circle with purpose. It is found in us and when we invest in others they find it in themselves.
Our Bible story says that the fishermen pulled their boats to shore, left everything and followed Jesus (Luke 5:11).
They had just pulled in the BIGGEST catch of their lives and they left it.
They also left their nets which was the source of their livelihood.
These men realised that there was something greater than working a job and making money.
This came from Jesus investing a word and giving a demonstration of power that impacted them for life.
What can you invest in someone else to help them realise their purpose in life?
How can you help them to find what's most important to them…whatever that may be…if you don't pour out what's inside of you into them?
This makes for a healthier and more stable person.
Wouldn’t you like to live with someone like that?
Work with them?
Hang out with them?
This helps us to be less stressed when we interact with people who are functioning in a healthy manner.
And we can help them get there when we invest in them with what we already have.
God’s Word is so powerful, isn't it?
Here’s what we learned today about investing in others so that we can invest in ourselves too:
We find our purpose.
We are blessed abundantly.
We lighten our workload.
We lead them to Jesus and salvation.
We help them find purpose.
Invest in yourself, my lovely Thriver.
But make sure you invest in other people to help you grow and develop even more.
Now that you know the ins and outs of how to invest in others, it's time to grab your Bible Verse Worksheet.
You’ll get a fun, interactive worksheet that gives you 6 powerful Bible verses that you can learn to remind you of how you should treat others. That’s a great way to remind you to invest in other people so that you can invest in yourself.
Click the link to download your Free Bible Verse Worksheet.
In the Comments below tell me which of the 5 reasons above appealed to you the most and why.